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The Fisherman & The Mermaid - S01 E11

Story 3 weeks ago

The Fisherman & The Mermaid - S01 E11

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 11

I told Marta I'd explain everything after the phone calls. Until then she'd have to trust me. She nodded and sat quietly on the couch. Using the phone book I called the FBI. "FBI, Special Agent Ross speaking."

"My name is Peter Manning." I gave my address and phone number. "I have information about the alleged death of Marta Vanek. I say alleged because Marta is sitting here next to me. I rescued her from the sinking boat. I also have a photocopy of a million dollar life insurance policy Cartwright took out on her life without her knowledge or approval. Also, he deliberately gave you the wrong location of the boat, I know exactly where it is. I can share all that and more with you.

"I'd like some representatives of the Bureau to meet with me at my home tomorrow morning at ten. But you need to be careful. I have armed security agents here and they have instructions to shoot if necessary. I suggest you come in a marked police vehicle. They will stop you and demand identification before allowing you to pass. I've been told to give you a code word-Andrea."

"Why would David Cartwright do all this? He has a good job from what I understand."

"Yeah, but he owes more than $260,000 from some gambling debts at weekly interest."

"Oh... the sharks are into him. Is that what you're saying? Where are you getting all this information?

"I can't say, but I can tell you my security is from APS.

"Pellegrini.. how do you know him?"

"His son and I are lifelong friends-best friends. Listen, I have to go. I have to call my boss about taking the day off tomorrow. See you at ten." I hung up.

I called my principal who was none too happy to hear that I wasn't going to work tomorrow until told him why. "How'd you get involved in that mess, Peter?"

"I went fishing Saturday morning and rescued her from the sinking boat. This is all about attempted murder of an innocent young woman. I'll bring her to school after we're done with the police." I hung up and turned to Marta. "I know this is all confusing and frustrating. David isn't in any position right now to hurt anything. If Papa is right he has no kneecaps. They've either been shot or broken with a baseball bat or golf club, probably the latter-it's much more painful. What Papa and I are concerned about is his friends. They're in this as deeply as he is, except that they're still able to walk and we don't know who they are. You know the news media-once they find out where you are I expect they'll tell the world.

"I told you was a specialist in the Marines, but I didn't tell you what kind. I was a sniper. I wish I had my service rifle right now, but they cost thousands and they're considered top secret. The one you saw me put upstairs is from World War II. It's old, but it still works perfectly. I've shot it dozens of times. When they come it will be from the rear of the house. I'll be ready for them. You can trust me. You're safe now and you'll be safer once they're taken care of."

We went to bed fairly early, skipping sex for the first night since we had met. I was almost asleep when I heard Marta crying. I reached around her naked body clutching her just below her breasts. "What's the matter, Marta? Why are you crying?"

"Oh, Peter you probably wish you had never saved me. I'm nothing but trouble for you."

"No, Marta don't feel that way at all. I'm very happy you're here with me...no, that's not right. I'm... thrilled you're here with me. Don't ask me to explain it because can't, but think I'm falling in love with you."

Marta rolled over and stroked my face. "Do you remember when I was alone in the kitchen with Mama?" I nodded. "She told me it was obvious from the way we looked at each other and touched each other that we were in love, I told her we had only known each other for two days and she laughed. 'So what?' she said, 'how long do you think it takes to learn that you don't like someone? Why should it take forever to fall in love?"

"Mama's a smart woman," I replied, "and in this case she's at least half right. I never thought I could feel about a woman the way I feel

about you. I never want you to go home...never."

"Well, Peter I'd have to say Mama was completely and totally on target. I feel the same way about you." She lifted her face to me,

wrapped her arms around me and said the words that would bind us together-"I love you." repeated those words and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

I was up early the following morning, taking a big pot of coffee down to the guards. I was surprised to see Marco was one of them. I told them the code word-they'd never forget Jimmy's wife's name. I returned to Marta. She joined me in the shower. I had just grabbed the soap when she kneeled in front of me. In a second my cock was in her mouth where it grew instantly. Marta pushed me against the tiled wall as she sucked hard on my cock. He tongue was wrapped around my shaft, washing my cock with her saliva until I was rabid with desire. I pulled her up, bent her over and plunged my cock deep into her cunt as Marta moaned with rapture. I pumped her pussy hard as she gripped my knees for support. I reached between her legs finding her clit rock hard. I squeezed and pinched it harder with each thrust until we shuddered together and came in a mutual explosion. We collapsed together under the running shower. "Now that's how we should start every day," Marta gasped, her breath not fully regained. I couldn't speak-I just nodded my agreement.

We struggled to stand and eventually managed to wash each other. Once we were dry we dressed and made breakfast. We ate leisurely-toast, juice, and fruit. We were still recovering from Mama's feast last night. I took out my 30-30, loaded it, and checked around the house. I knew Papa's security would cover the front. I'd handle the rest if needed. As it all turned out nothing was needed. The FBI agents used the code word and had perfect ID. All the same two guards accompanied them into the house.

Our conversation lasted for more than an hour when they asked me to show them the boat. We went in convoy to the harbor where we boarded the Suffolk County Police's 35-foot cruiser. There were two officers and two divers waiting for us. I gave the driver the latitude and longitude and off we went. Siren blaring we ignored the 12 mph limit. It took us about ten minutes to reach the wreck site. The divers went over the side and returned in another fifteen minutes, verifying everything we had told them.

The agent used his satellite phone to confirm everything to the Manhattan office. A warrant was ordered for David Cartwright, we were asked if we would participate in a press conference the following evening. I agreed immediately. When they left I called a local lumber yard and ordered twenty sheets of 7/8's inch plywood, six tubes of Liquid Nails and a gross of two-inch nails. Then I explained to Marta what I was going to do. We had a late, but light, lunch and drove to my school. I wasn't dressed for teaching, but that wouldn't matter. I walked into the main office and introduced Marta to the secretaries and my principal. We chatted for a while and retumed home. I was pleased to find the plywood had been delivered.

I cut the sheets into a manageable size and carried them up into the attic. I was creating a strong area-walls and floor which would protect us if-no, when we were attacked. When I was done I had an area made of 2.5 inches of plywood, even including an extra door I could drop over the folding attic stairs once I had secured them in place. This would stop virtually any bullet. I put the scope onto the rifle, checked the flash suppressor, and loaded the clips. I would be ready in seconds. Marta and I could survive up here for days if necessary once I locked the attic door in place. I had a case of bottled water and cans of nuts and other energy foods installed.

I went to work the following day and, of course, the students asked where I had been. I told them only that there would be a press conference with the FBI that evening. I was sure it would be on the news, in fact I was praying for it. The event was held at the local Suffolk County Police Station. I mentioned saving Marta and that she was staying with me for a few days. I said nothing about having security. I was issuing my invitation-one I was more than ninety percent sure would be accepted. Papa phoned me right after as we drove home. "Are you sure you're not one of us, Peter? You sounded as though you were praying his friends would hear you. Nicely done." I thanked Papa, telling him I was anxious to put this behind us. I also asked his help moving Marta's things out to my house. Papa owned a moving and storage company. Just think about how handy that could be in moving or hiding stolen goods. Papa told me he could have it done by the weekend. I stopped by Home Depot on the way, picking up some special equipment I wanted to install.

David Cartwright was in Bellevue Hospital with casts on both legs and his ankle cuffed to the bed frame. I asked the FBI Special Agent to let me know when some friends his age visited. Sure enough three young men spent the evening after the press conference with him. I was told they whispered back and forth for more than an hour. I needed to work fast.

I came home Immediately after school Thursday. I installed the high intensity spotlights I had purchased, placing one directly under the window. I wired the circuit to the electrical panel and tested it-perfect. I also checked out the portable PA system I had borrowed from my school. I went inside and removed the suppressor. The flash wouldn't be seen right over the bright light and I wanted the noise, figuring that it would scare the hell out of the amateur assassins.

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